Sunday, 18 November 2018

The Littlest Pilgrim

The Littlest Pilgrim
By:"Brandi Dougherty"
Published on 2008 by Scholastic Inc.

All the other villagers tell Mini that she is too small to help them with their chores, but she is not too small to be kind to another girl she meets.

This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword pilgrim.

Bimbingan untuk Anak Saleh, Wudhu,Shalat,Do'a Pilihan, Tahajud& Juz Amma

Bimbingan untuk Anak Saleh, Wudhu,Shalat,Do'a Pilihan, Tahajud& Juz Amma
By:"Arliansyah","Ahmad Fa’iq"

Di buku ini, Adik-adik akan belajar tentang banyak hal. Pertama tentang cara wudhu, termasuk tayamum atau bersuci ketika tidak ada air. Setelah itu, Adik-adik juga akan belajar tentang shalat wajib, cara shalat jamaah, dan juga shalat jenazah. Gerakan dan bacaannya diurai secara lengkap, lho! Adik-adik juga bisa belajar dan menghafal doa sehari-hari, seperti doa mau tidur, doa bangun tidur, doa untuk ayah-bunda, dan lain-lain. Yang tak kalah penting, buku ini juga dilengkapi Juz ‘Amma. Ada yang sudah bisa baca Juz ‘Amma? Kalau belum, tenang saja, buku ini juga disertai pembelajaran ilmu tajwid, sehingga Adik-adik bisa belajar membaca Juz ‘Amma dengan benar dan baik. Poster Asmaul Husna juga ada lho supaya Adik-adik semakin cinta kepada Allah. Bagaimana? Lengkap, kan? Yuk, beli buku ini dan pelajari isinya CERDAS INTERAKTIF

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Hijab Aksen Motif Salur plus Tutorial Jilbab: Hijab Style for Campus

Hijab Aksen Motif Salur plus Tutorial Jilbab: Hijab Style for Campus
By:"Safa & Tim"
Published on 2015-09-09 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Buku Seri Hijab Style for Campus: Gaya Hijab Aksen Motif Salur ini kami hadirkan untuk menjawab banyak permintaan dari kalangan hijabers muda yang juga mahasiswi yang setiap harinya banyak berkegiatan di kampus, akan gaya busana hijab yang modis, keren, namun nyaman dikenakan. Dalam buku ini ditampilkan sekitar 20 gaya hijab dengan motif salur. Motif salur bisa tampil di mana saja, bisa pada rok panjang, blus kemejanya, cardigannya, blus dalamnya, dan juga kerudung jilbabnya. Tidak sulit memadupadankannya, bahkan dengan memanfaatkan koleksi yang sudah ada di lemari kita, bisa tercipta berbagai gaya busana hijab dengan aksen motif salur yang keren, apalagi dipadu dengan sepatu, boots, tas, dan aksesori lain.

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.

The Pilgrim and the Bee

The Pilgrim and the Bee
By:"Matthew P. Brown"
Published on 2007-06-11 by University of Pennsylvania Press


This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword pilgrim.

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
By:"Annie Dillard"
Published on 2007-06-12 by Harper Collins

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek is the story of a dramatic year in Virginia's Blue Ridge valley. Annie Dillard sets out to see what she can see. What she sees are astonishing incidents of \

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword pilgrim.

Hajj--Maps and Plans

Hajj--Maps and Plans
Published on by

Monzur Ahmed highlights Hajj, a Muslim spiritual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. All Muslims who are physically and financially able are expected to perform the Hajj at least once during their lifetime. Ahmed presents thumbnail images of maps and plans of such holy sites in Mecca as the Kaba'ah, the Holy Mosque, Arafat, and Mina. The images can be expanded. A three-dimensional model of the Kaba'ah, a small shrine located near the center of the Holy Mosque, is also available.

This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword hajj.

79 Macam Shalat Sunnat Ibadah Para Kekasih Allah

79 Macam Shalat Sunnat Ibadah Para Kekasih Allah
By:"K.H Habib Syarief Muhammad Al' aydarus"
Published on 2010 by

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

Petunjuk Lengkap tentang Shalat, Dr. Said bin Ali Al-Qahthani, 2008

Petunjuk Lengkap tentang Shalat, Dr. Said bin Ali Al-Qahthani, 2008
By:"Abdullah Haidir-Da'wah Al-Sulay"
Published on 2008-07-08 by Bukupedia

Petunjuk Lengkap tentang Shalat, Dr. Said bin Ali Al-Qahthani, 2008 Religion / Islam / Rituals & Practice - Abdullah Haidir-Da'wah Al-Sulay.

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Kuasa jilbab

Kuasa jilbab
By:"Heri Setiawan (Kang)"
Published on 2016 by

This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.

PSYCHOLOGY OF FASHION ; Fenomena Perempuan (Melepas) Jilbab

PSYCHOLOGY OF FASHION ; Fenomena Perempuan (Melepas) Jilbab
Published on 2010-01-01 by LKIS PELANGI AKSARA

Buku ini berisikan hasil riset terhadap subjek yang melepas jilbabnya dan lebih menyoroti perempuan yang melepas jilbabnya (setelah sebelumnya mengenakan jilbab) dari perspektif psikososial filosofis, dengan didukung teori psikologi kontemporer. Buku ini menghadirkan pergulatan atau dinamika kepercayaan eksistensial muslimah yang melepaskan jilbabnya pada sebelum, sedang dan sesudah melakukan tindakan itu. Meskipun tidak berpretensi mewakili seluruh muslimah di Indonesia yang melepas jilbab, buku ini dapat menggugah kearifan masyarakat sebagai pribadi dan ketika dihadapkan pada fenomena ini. Buku ini juga mengandung muatan psikologi perkembangan, psikologi perempuan, psikologi spiritual dan psikologi sosial. Juneman menegaskan, semua muslimah dalam penelitian di buku tersebut tetap menjadi seorang muslim sampai mereka telah melepaskan jilbabnya saat ini, namun cara mereka menjadi muslim, dan lebih khusus cara memakai jilbab dan berjilbab beberapa kali diperdalam, diperluas dan ditata kembali.

This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.

Zahra Aulia: Tata Rias Wajah & Kreasi Ji

Zahra Aulia: Tata Rias Wajah & Kreasi Ji
Published on by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.

Answering Jihad

Answering Jihad
By:"Nabeel Qureshi"
Published on 2016-03-08 by Zondervan

From New York Times bestselling author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi comes this personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. San Bernardino was the most lethal terror attack on American soil since 9/11, and it came on the heels of a coordinated assault on Paris. There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? The answer to this question is more pressing than ever, as waves of Muslim refugees arrive in the West seeking shelter from the violent ideology of ISIS. Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is jihad? How are we to understand jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbors and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond? In Answering Jihad, bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi (Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus) answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.

This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword jihad.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Looking Beyond the Hijab

Looking Beyond the Hijab
By:"Stephen Michael Croucher"
Published on 2008-07 by Hampton Pr

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword hijab.

Pilgrim's Wilderness

Pilgrim's Wilderness
By:"Tom Kizzia"
Published on 2013-07-16 by Crown

Into the Wild meets Helter Skelter in this riveting true story of a modern-day homesteading family in the deepest reaches of the Alaskan wilderness—and of the chilling secrets of its maniacal, spellbinding patriarch. When Papa Pilgrim, his wife, and their fifteen children appeared in the Alaska frontier outpost of McCarthy, their new neighbors saw them as a shining example of the homespun Christian ideal. But behind the family's proud piety and beautiful old-timey music lay Pilgrim's dark past: his strange connection to the Kennedy assassination and a trail of chaos and anguish that followed him from Dallas and New Mexico. Pilgrim soon sparked a tense confrontation with the National Park Service fiercely dividing the community over where a citizen’s rights end and the government’s power begins. As the battle grew more intense, the turmoil in his brood made it increasingly difficult to tell whether his children were messianic followers or hostages in desperate need of rescue. In this powerful piece of Americana, written with uncommon grace and high drama, veteran Alaska journalist, Tom Kizzia uses his unparalleled access to capture an era-defining clash between environmentalists and pioneers ignited by a mesmerizing sociopath who held a town and a family captive.

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword pilgrim.

Daughters of Allah

Daughters of Allah
By:"Henny Harald Hansen"
Published on 2016-10-04 by Routledge

In 1957, Henny Harald Hansen, the first Danish female anthropologist, was invited to take part in an archaeological expedition to the site of the projected Dokan Dam on the Little Zab river in Northern Iraq. Although her responsibilities were originally ethnological, she became the guest first of the local sheik and later of her interpreter’s family and as a result, the doors of many Kurdish homes were opened to her that normally would have remained closed to foreigners. She travelled widely among the mountain villages of Iraqi Kurdistan and was able to see from very close range the everyday life of women. First published in 1958 and translated in 1960, this book contains the intimate and fascinating account of Henny Harald Hansen’s travels and her encounters with the women of Kurdistan. It will be of keen interest to those studying women in Islamic societies and anthropology.

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword moslem.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Jilbab, Pakaian Wanita Muslimah

Jilbab, Pakaian Wanita Muslimah
By:"M. Quraish Shihab"
Published on 2012-03-02 by Lentera Hati Group

M. Quraish Shihab berusaha membentangkan aneka pendapat, baik pandangan ulama terdahulu yang terkesan ketat maupun cendekiawan kontemporer yang dinilai longgar mengenai jilbab. Penulis menghidangkan dalil dan argumentasi masing-masing pendapat seobjektif mungkin, sesuai nalar dan pertimbangan penulis, dengan harapan kita dapat memahami jalan pikiran semua pihak dan tidak saling mengafirkan dan tuduh-menuduh antar-kita. Yang terpenting, buku ini mengungkapkan hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan agar pakaian dan tingkah laku tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai dan ajaran Islam.

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.

Bukan Jilbab Semusim

Bukan Jilbab Semusim
Published on 2006 by Tiga Serangkai

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.


By:"Samuel M. Katz"
Published on 2004 by Twenty-First Century Books

Describes the history and current situation of fundamentalist Islamic movements that are associated with terrorism, including groups in Egypt, Lebanon, and Algeria, as well as the international network known as Al-Qaeda.

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword jihad.

Fighting the Greater Jihad

Fighting the Greater Jihad
By:"Cheikh Anta Mbacké Babou"
Published on 2007 by Ohio University Press

In Senegal, the Muridiyya, a large Islamic Sufi order, is the single most influential religious organization, including among its numbers the nation's president. Yet little is known of this sect in the West. Drawn from a wide variety of archival, oral, and iconographic sources in Arabic, French, and Wolof, Fighting the Greater Jihad offers an astute analysis of the founding and development of the order and a biographical study of its founder, Cheikh Amadu Bamba Mbacke. Fighting the Greater Jihad also reveals how religious power is built at the intersection of genealogy, knowledge, and spiritual force, and how this power in turn affected colonial policy. Fighting the Greater Jihad will dramatically alter the perspective from which anthropologists, historians, and political scientists study Muslim mystical orders.

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword jihad.

Rahasia Shalat Istikharah

Rahasia Shalat Istikharah
Published on by Media Pressindo

This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

400 Kesalahan Dalam Shalat

400 Kesalahan Dalam Shalat
Published on by Niaga Swadaya

This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

Light in the Heavens

Light in the Heavens
Published on 2016-11-08 by NYU Press

The words of Muhammad (d. 11 H/632 AD), God's messenger and prophet of Islam, have a special place in the hearts of his followers. Wielding an authority second only to the Qur'an, Muhammad’s hadith are cited by scholars as testimonial texts in a vast array of disciplines—including law, theology, metaphysics, poetry, grammar, history, and medicine—and are quoted by Muslims to one another in their daily lives. Assembling Muhammad’s words has been a major preoccupation for scholars throughout the fourteen centuries since his death, resulting in an abundance of compilations. Among the legally-grounded collections, which aimed to guide the community in its practice of religious law and ritual worship, one which stands out in particular is Light in the Heavens (Kitab al-Shihab) by al-Qadi al-Quda'i (d. 454 H/1062 AD), a Shafi'i judge in the Fatimid court in Egypt. The collection’s overall conceptualization is distinctively ethical and pragmatic, and offers humanitarian lessons and practical insights with universal appeal. From North Africa to India, generations have used Light in the Heavens as a teaching text for children as well as adults, and many of its 1200 sayings are familiar to individuals of diverse denominations and ethnicities. For Muslims—who consider Muhammad’s teachings the fount of wisdom and the beacon of guidance in all things, mundane and sublime—these sayings provide a direct window into the inspired vision of one of the most influential humans to have walked the Earth.

This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword muhammad.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Belajar Shalat Berjamaah

Belajar Shalat Berjamaah
Published on by PT Mitra Aksara Panaitan

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword shalat.

The Semitic Religions - Hebrew, Jewish, Christian & Moslem

The Semitic Religions - Hebrew, Jewish, Christian & Moslem
By:"David Kay"
Published on 2008-11 by Pomona Press

Originally produced in 1923 as The Twenty-Second Series of Croall Lectures. Contents Include - Hebrew Religion-Primitive and Prophetic - Hebrew Religion from Cyrus to Vespasian -530 B.C. - 70 A.D. - Judaism - Christianity - The Moslem Religion - The Heartage and Obligations of Semitic - Religion

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword moslem.

Monday, 12 November 2018

30 Tutorial Jilbab Gaya Memikat Kerudung Plisket

30 Tutorial Jilbab Gaya Memikat Kerudung Plisket
Published on 2015-01-22 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Kain plisket adalah jenis kain yang dilipat-lipat secara rapi, lipatanlipatan tersebut terjadi karena diproses dengan mesin ataupun dengan cara manual. Plisket dapat digunakan untuk kain sejenis kerudung, rok sampai ti rai jendela. Cara pembuatannya adalah dengan dengan manual dan mesin. Plisket sebenarnya berasal dari kata pleated skirt yaitu rok yang dibuat model lipit-lipit. Namun dalam perkembangannya teknik melipat-lipat pada rok itu kemudian diaplikasikan untuk benda lainnya seperti ti rai, scarf, dan juga kain kerudung untuk muslimah. Di dunia mode kerudung jilbab yang begitu banyak tercipta aneka model kerudung, di mana aneka jenis bahan kain digunakan oleh para perancang, termasuk penggunakan bahan kain dengan tekstur lipit, maka dipakailah isti lah kerudung plisket. Model kerudung kain dengan tekstur lipit atau plisket sendiri ada yang segi empat, segiti ga, pashmina panjang dan model semi instan ataupun semi instan. Buku ini berisi 30 Tuorial gaya kerudung jilbab dari bahan plisket yang bisa menjadi alternati f pilihan gaya berkerudung untuk para hijaber dalam berbagai kesmepatan sehari-hari. Motif kerudungnya sangat beragam, bahan kainnya ada yang katun, chiffon dan satin.

This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword jilbab.