Saturday, 20 October 2018


By:"Omar Mahmoud"
Published on 2008 by AuthorHouse

On a cold fall morning, Red and Jim climb into their boat and head out across the calm waters of a lake in Northern Wisconsin. They have been coming to this lake for their annual fishing trip for many years, but today things would be a little different than they had been in the past. The fog would close in on them, blinding them of all sight, only to find when it finally lifts two and a half hours later, they have gone back in time over one hundred years and nothing is the same. The cabins are all gone and not another boat can be seen or heard anywhere on the lake. They quickly become concerned that they may be the only ones here in this time and place. In the coming days they find another couple who have been living in the woods. The couple had been frightened away by their appearance, only to return for help several days later, after his wife had been attacked by a bear in the woods. While helping the man seek medical attention for his wife Jim and Red discover a medicine man or doctor who knows how to return to the time they had came from. This secret leads them and others to many adventures in time and history, never knowing when or where they will be taken next.

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword muhammad.

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